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 All About Laser & its Benefits  

Laser Laser Laser !!!!

There is so many reasons why one should consider laser over shaving , waxing ,threading 

lets note some down 

Its Permanant 

no Skin Ripping 

no skin cutting 

no Burns 

Definitely works out cheaper than waxing Eventually 

Grants you smooth AND clear skin 

Gets rid of open pores

and ingrown ..yupp those nasty little dots we despite

No Pain !! yupp literally Nothing 

hmm what else ... lets just take a moment and imagine never ever seeing hair on your body again 

Like wow ... Got a date and hairy DAMN ___ time to shave or maybe you missed a wax appointment 

nehh not a lekker feeling .. 

Got a function ?? and wearing sleeveless ... holy underarms !! wrnt you clean like yesterday ~??? laser is very effective and long lasting if done correctly .. its permanent 

ahh speaking of underarm hair !! that sweat and stink and the best laser totally sorts that out for you 

Soo!! is really any other reason not to start laser !! nothing at all 

Happy and HAiRFREE ... XOXO

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